Display Clean Variable Names

The variable names in a DataFrame might be snake cased or formatted in a way not appropriate for end users, e.g. pointless_metric_my_boss_requested_and_i_reluctantly_included. Most of the streamlit widgets contain a format_func parameter which takes function that applies formatting for display to the option values you provide the widget. As a simple example, you could title case each of the variable names.

You can also use this functionality, combined with a dictionary, to explicitly handle the formatting of your values. The example below cleans up the column names from the birdstrikes dataset for use as a dropdown to describe each column.

import streamlit as st
from vega_datasets import data

def load_data():
    return data.birdstrikes()

cols = {
    "Airport__Name": "Airport Name",
    "Aircraft__Make_Model": "Aircraft Make & Model",
    "Effect__Amount_of_damage": "Effect: Amount of Damage",
    "Flight_Date": "Flight Date",
    "Aircraft__Airline_Operator": "Airline Operator",
    "Origin_State": "Origin State",
    "When__Phase_of_flight": "When (Phase of Flight)",
    "Wildlife__Size": "Wildlife Size",
    "Wildlife__Species": "Wildlife Species",
    "When__Time_of_day": "When (Time of Day)",
    "Cost__Other": "Cost (Other)",
    "Cost__Repair": "Cost (Repair)",
    "Cost__Total_$": "Cost (Total) ($)",
    "Speed_IAS_in_knots": "Speed (in Knots)",

dataset = load_data()

column = st.selectbox("Describe Column", list(dataset.columns), format_func=cols.get)


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